my girl friend and I are going for the first time in May next year.....can anyone help? 1)Do we need to bring anything for the theme nights? 2) so we need to book the Boobs Cruise in advance or can we just rock up to it? 3) how and how much is it to change the all inc so we can drink brand names like jd? Thanks for your help
1 It is highly recommended to dress up, it's great fun. 2 It is highly recommended to book early, if theres spaces open you can just arrive the day of the BC, it's great fun. 3 Premium liquors from what I've heard it could be upwards of 50K after you sign on the bottom line to join Premier, other options is to go on referral that will only cost you 3 to 4 miserable hours saying no about a gazillion times. T
Thank you,do you just pick the night you like the look of or bring stuff for every night as looking at it looks like it’s a different theme every night? Do you just get the boob cruise tickets online?
We do every theme night, sometimes we go with the CCC groups themes, sometimes we do the resorts themes. Cancun Boobs Cruise Booking T