I've now added the attendee list which you can find at the beginning of the thread. As you'll see the numbers are fairly low compared to some months. This is why I delayed posting of the attendance lists because when we have low numbers people often ask (prematurely) to change dates to busier ones, which ends up making things worse instead of better. Our numbers are usually roughly proportionate to occupancy levels at the hotel and, with summer months usually being quieter than the rest of the year, I can only presume that the hotel isn't going to be as busy as usual too. Any cruise with 20+ people listed now is pretty certain to go ahead, anything less than 20 at the moment we will need to review when we are about a week away. Most of those still have a few weeks to go before we reach the one week away point. We do have a lot of sales outlets at the hotel now and these can often be good to add up to an extra 20 people for any particular date, but those sales obviously only arise in the few days before and are also dependent on hotel occupancy levels. I'd ask every one to please stick with their current choices and let me manage things, I'll obviously try my best to ensure that we run as many dates as possible and will make sure everyone is notified of any changes in good time. August was looking very similar to September prior to the start of the month, but we only ended up cancelling one cruise and all the others went ahead with an average of 42 people per trip, so hang in there.