As I said Steve, the pendulum swings and over the years it has gone back and forth. We've seen a lot of different looks for the place and if we keep going we'll see a lot more. You will notice in my posts I didn't put any judgement in any of them, they were what they were and they will be what they will be. The point was that things have changed in the past from one extreme to another and they will continue to change in the future. And as for finding your choice of rooms cheaper?.... Sorry but if you're going to run with the big dogs you have to pay the price.... that's why most of us stay in the dog house. Jamie
Can you share how many nights you purchased and at what price? ... since we are talking about room costs joking. Know you can’t do that but of course nothing is free Our master suite price in April is attached. $520 a night. I saved $3350 off the rack rate! Ha. We then upgraded to penthouse for 250 a night more. Even with the ‘special’, the price for master on TTR website is 800 something which makes zero sense.
Thanks for the info. Excited for but also nervous about something new. This is costing me 6 times a typical Mexico trip so I think I am bound to be disappointed when it comes to value. So I had our hotel (only has 7 rooms) book restaurants, a cruise and tours for us so I feel like we are going to do ok on the quality/personal touch front. Will see. But yeah get your point on where we will likely find disappointment is around finding fun people and fun activities. But that won’t stop me from trying. When searching for a Boobs Cruise option (or I really should say party cruise knowing there will not be a Boobs Cruise equivalent on any level) the only option the cruise companies gave me was I could charter the boat and invite my own party people. I considered doing it and I think it would be easy if there were TTR style people there. But like you point out people may look at me like I am a crazy obnoxious American when I try to engage them. Thanks re the young Brit warnings. I think I have figured out which are the touristy cheap clubs that will be attracting them and which then we should avoid while on the Mykonos portion of our journey.
Sometimes good topics and threads induce sidebar subjects, and create interesting asides or tangents. And sometimes they can be more compelling than the intial topic. This is Cancuncare and this is what we, sometimes, do here. And it would appear the O .P. is OK with it, so I don't see a grievance. This thread contains posts, and has the attention of 3 or 4 very well versed TTR historians, and perhaps thoughts can get cluttered. You can join the conversation and get it back on track if you'd like.
I never get why people feel the need to critique someone elses post or opinion. See what I just did there ha. How about that for off topic. Seriously though. A lot of us go to TTR to be free, have fun and avoid the constraints of society. Kind of sucks that people feel the need to call out the rule police if we go on a tangent on a forum. Does it really matter that we went from entertainment staff to vibe changes to posting bills when discussing TTR costs? Sorry that this is no longer a great topic for some but the beauty is you can always move on to the next topic. It usually take a lot to hit a nerve w me and sorry for some reason that did. I clearly don’t like being constrained ha. I digress.
That would be 1 for you. So you got some catching up to do. Or maybe keep posting how handy Jacuzzi rooms at the Quiet Pool are. And throw in the odd GP comparisons