I saw somewhere on another post that the resort is no longer doing body shots. When we were there for the first time in August for the soft opening the entertainment staff every 45 minutes or so would blow their whistles in the sexy pool and bring the green crap out (who knows what it was) and pour it on the women's breasts and have the men or women lick it off are they not doing that anymore?
You get in chummy with the bar tenders, have a hot girl ask if she can lay down on the bar top, and 5 seconds later they will be helping you with the booze and whip cream. And getting sprayed with CO2 will soon follow I don't see how that's not a possibility. You just have to make it happen. Whether they have the entertainment staff or not promoting body shots on their own, with their own shot bottle poolside, is irrelevant.
I have never seen body shots not happen, I can’t imagine this is a world we want to live in. I do feel like they are always instigated by someone and it’s not usually entertainment staff. Nikki
Scuba have you even touched the bar on sunny days? It is burning HoT! And no sitting on the bar is allowed these days even on cooler days, nevermind laying on it. No sitting on Bash Bar allowed either. In fact only ents staff allowed to dance on it now. All guests are stopped from dancing on it Now. Last time I seen any guests allowed on Bash bar was at Halloween when a woman fell off and landed on people.
That is crazy because right up until mid October LOADS of people were on the bar with body shots, dancing and even more it will be interesting to see next week what has changed in the last 6 months. Nikki
I believe they replacd the original plastic/Formica top of the bar with granite. Very slippery when wet and they dont want anyone up on it even to sit. May be a heslth code since food and drink are served there? Yes I know it is MX. Bar is for glasses, not asses!