They are clearly going for a different demographic up there and somewhat to a lesser extent with the new TTR. We loved the music though. Another different strokes for different folks thing. But the dj 2 of our 3 days up there was a girl that I don’t think was named Pablo or Manuel but yes while the music was loud and Vegas day club like we loved it with several others.
The girl is very good. I think her name is Valerie....not positive. She did foam party. She is good at reading the crowd
This has me very excited about checking out the SkyBar! It seems that music choice borders on talking politics or sure brings out the emotion.
Yeah, those First World Problems that we laugh about later, after complaining about things, at a topless all-inclusive in Cancun.
On the Decades nights ,, they would play old stuff , the dance floor was over flowing,, then the idiot would put on some new EDM, or rap stuff, and clear the floor ,, then repeate the same over and over again ,, it was comical to watch .
This makes me sad I promise to sing to her every night if she promises to return...and I cann’t carry a tune in a bucket! Kyle now please post your favorite EDM music so the rest of us understand.
SkyBar would work so much better as a Blues Swing Jump Jive and Wail joint. There would be a crowd up there all the time. If management truly wants to open it up to the Cancun Public, they have to figure out the concept and offer something different to the Hotel Zone. There are no Jazzy Blues clubs in the Zone. Get rid of the DJ. Out of place....and kills Vibe Perfect place for a true piano bar or 3 piece trio or 4 piece blues band.
Nailed it. The repetition of the same play list with slightly different order is over the top! The DJ can never please everyone all the time with a crowd as diverse as there is at TTR. In this thread alone we have country, death metal, classic rock, EDM and old school Hip Hop (we prefer Jen already or at least her taste in music.) Cutting out the same play list might make it more tolerable to those who are hoping for more eclectic music like country or death metal. Our big gripe is the amount of Pitbull. We have never heard so much in our life.
Like most seem to think and we agree, mixing it up would surely get to please more people and give a break to some. Might see the yellow cards reappear pretty fast if they get into sexy jazzy blues!