Lol ‘Adventurous’ Ideas... No holds barred ladies armed wrestling contest. We have done this past trips. Not all about muscle as with the other hand and mouth the lady can do WHATEVER they want to get the lady to ‘submit’ ha Body shots or luge shots Did we confirm chinos for a master suite party? Spot holder in the jacuzzi. Pay someone to go hold bench spots in the jacuzzi before it is full ( not sure if this is realistic). But it spawned the next idea... drink bitch for the entire jacuzzi for 30 mins. Bar isn’t close. Donation in the name of ‘Mr or Mrs Naked Yellow card’. First person to get a photo with the infamous yellow card covering their ‘genitals’ Donation in your name for getting the group shots every time a pit bull song is played.
Chinos will be asking management once he is back in Cancun. Will let me know as soon as he finds out! He is loving all the ideas and everyone coming together to raise $$$ for the kids. He too thinks we will hit the $6k !!!!
Thank you for the awesome donation! Once you decide the bidding is closed need to determine if winner will send the money via the PayPal link or to you. If they do the PayPal. Make sure they put a message about April Addicts Auction/ cottage stay. And send you and I a copy. Once it’s paid my match is added in for the Kids! Again thank you to you and the winning bidder!!!
This is neither original nor sexy like Kyle's ideas, but how about a 50/50 draw? Half the money raised goes to the cause, and the winner keeps the other half. This is something we could easily expand to non-CCC people, as everyone likes to buy into 50/50 draws. Can an Addict volunteer to go around the pool one afternoon selling the tickets on a non-Boobs Cruise day? Carol, maybe you could bring a roll of tickets? Would the resort object to us selling tickets around the pool? Or we could do a 50/50 draw at the April 14th meet n greet if the resort won't let us do it at the pool?
Or name (real or ccc name and room #) on post it that way if not there they can be contacted and PayPal their winnings to them. I’d suggest drawing on Friday the 20th. Or do it daily... doesn’t matter to me!
P.S. We're in for the master suite party. I got a rack I can bring, and Sean's got a bottle. We're good to go.