Ok. Bring motion sickness medicine(Dramamine) and Aleve. Take two of each before you go to bed if you drink too much. You won’t regret it. Really helps with a hangover. Someone gave me that advice and it works! Play the games, don’t be afraid to talk to people, and tip the workers. They are awesome and make your vacation as well. People always worry about swingers their first time coming. Don’t. No means no with them and they just may end up being your friends. So, relax and have a great time. We have met lifelong friends here.
Thinking of something clever and cheeky to say... Butt i'll Just leave the cheekieness to That cute blonde... See What I Did There?!
I have seen several mentions of the “bubba mugs”. Are people bringing their own or do they supply them?
Most people bring their own. Theres lots of different sizes and options. I believe they sell Cancuncare mugs on this site as well.
The 64 oz that we brought last visit were just too damn big and heavy. Do keep drinks cold. Plus most of our bling ended up coming off. Yes did save time at the bar but damn did I drink.n to the tune of a handle a day. Probably bring in smaller Yetis or knock offs this trip.