April 12-19 2 in group (one single one married) Not interested in Boobs Cruise Looking to party hard and make friends. Shout if you're around on these dates, can arrange a meet at one of the bars. Hope to meet many of you soon
In 4 weeks we are on a plane at this time. Getting closer. Time to pull the TTR boxes out of the closet.
Hello Everyone , So happy to finally be , within a month from arrival!! Glad to see a lot of people this April that I have not seen in a long time and cool new people too! I'm looking forward to hanging out, a partying and having WILD times! Billy
I'm really starting to regret only booking 4 nights...guess I'll just have to make the most of it! Say hi to the pale white guy if you're there the 22nd-26th. PS- How do I go about finding someone to put sunscreen on my back?
Ask thw most homophobic looking guy you can find who is with a sexy wife and I am sure he will volunteer her
If you are looking for a more reliable solution, bring spray-on sunblock. The cans spray even if they are upside down, so you'll be able to do your back yourself. Or at least it will be easier to find someone to help you if all you need is a quick spray rather than a rubdown.
It is seriously my only concerns traveling solo for the first time. Some people told me to bring a long wooden spoon....you would probably look fucking ridiculous but it's better than a sunburn I guess...