Reading the article I was initially concerned. Hopefully the situation does not become more unsafe or escalate in anyway. Thanks for the input everyone.
A lot of fuss about nothing. Incident was two weeks ago, why wait until the start of Spring Break to announce this? The Consular Agency in PDC that is closed, is nothing more than a tiny office with a couple of staff who have spare passport and birth certificate forms and a US flag in the corner. Conjures up images of Benghazi though among the less well informed and scares enough people off to rearrange their trips to the good old safe USA, where nothing bad ever happens. Besides, there is a US consular agency in Cancun anyway, if you really need that passport or birth certificate form. Not exactly "fake news" but "twisted news" for sure.
Exactly twisted news. We still have friends in Playa, and have been on that ferry many times. There seems to be a lot of misinformation about the actual number of injured, although any number is too many. From what we understand this was meant as more of a message to an individual with political connections in Playa, and designed to scare away business, and from what I understand, the second boat was not a passenger ferry and has been out of service for quite some time. If the aim was to simply kill tourists the device would have been loaded with shrapnel and projectiles. Not trying to downplay it, because it is still a tragedy, but not exactly as the government would have all believe either.
There are several ferry companies that run between PDC and Cozumel, the company that was attacked was the newest kid on the block and owned by a previous Governor who went on the run to Panama and is now in jail for huge fraud and money laundering. As seems to be the case for the last 6 governors, and probably the next 6 too. There is speculation about the reason for the attack but it was either a rival who wanted the competition shut down, or an exit strategy for insurance money by the owners. Certainly not an attack on tourists. If it was an attack on tourists why would the "bomb" (I say "bomb" because it was the shittiest low powered bomb in the history of bombs) be detonated after everyone had got off the ferry, and the second incident of an unexploded device being discovered be on a ferry that had been out of operation for weeks, and was anchored way offshore? If you want to attack tourists, you don't do it like that. Of course, the drug cartels claimed it as their doing, but just like IS and other terrorist groups they will often claim things that they had no hand in.