I don't know that I've ever had to wait for a checked bag. The immigration line is so slow that the bag has always been there when we got to the baggage claim. If we have ever had to wait, it's certainly been less than 10 minutes. We also try to get the earliest flights possible, but MX isn't known for efficiency.
Never could do it with carry ons only. 3 checked bags (49.5 lbs each) and two carry ons total for 11 days is norm. 1 checked is almost all of k’s shoes. swimwear, lunch wear, cocktail dresses for dinner, clubbing outfits for later, lingerie, workout gear, dive gear, batteries.....a book or two .....20’ hdmi cable..... Luggage at the Cancun airport is usually a lot quicker than domestic flights.
It's supposed to be as water-resistant as liquid sunblock. I generally just use it on my face and chest, which aren't in the water, so I'm afraid I can't vouch for how long it actually lasts in the water.
We've always done 2 checked and at least 1-2 carry on's...this trip we're thinking it will be 3 checked bags (our airline charges for carry-on now!). Also, you have to go through customs first before you can even get your bags so by the time we're through with that our bags are normally sitting there already.
Our only concern with checked bags are some of the "toys" we travel with. Not sure I want the 20 year old behind the X-ray machine segregating the bag out and holding up some of these for all to see and then having to explain it is not a weapon.....
Thats the hole fun of it ,lol ,, years ago we brought a 13 inch strap on for a Toy gift exchange,, same year they got those new xray machines on the way out ,,lol we got some looks ,