When the Boobs Cruise returns to the dock, there always seems to be some degree of PDA's somewhere in the Sexy Pool shortly thereafter! Of course, I have no personal experience with that, but that's what my friend Nikki of @Nikki&Ira told me once.
My wife likes to put clothes pins on my nipples and rub IcyHot balm on my balls when I nap, can we do this in public?
This is Tracy speaking and I do not do any such thing, I walk away from my computer for 2 minutes and this is what he does. Maybe I will try those things on him when he falls asleep for payback!
Yup you can but only after Vikings Victories.....so you'll have to wait till next year to openly do it at the sexy pool
Per our experience, Jnine is spot on here. My wife was topless from room to pool(we were in one of the old buildings where we didn't have to go through the new lobby) and back every day and wore sheer costumes to Bash at night. That's certainly enough, right? Does anyone really want to sit inside a restaurant topless? As for PDA, I say live it up, just put some limits on it--and remember that things are often at their sexiest when there's a bit left to the imagination.
Haha! No offense taken here either. We are from Wiscosin where I believe it's state law to be a Packers fan and despise the Vikings. Especially after they bust your QB's collar bone all to sh*t and ruin the rest of your season. We were rooting for the Eagles last weekend, and hoping they can take down the Pats in the SB