Our Host rooms So far we still have room for 2 more!!! Host Room #1.........Tom/Kelly, Matt/Amanda, Ricky/Sally Host Room #2......TFlexxin Kim/Anthony, Liz/Matt Host Room #3......FandS Forrest/Selena Host Room #4.......? Host Room #5......?
This will be our first time at TTR, would like to participate if you have room. Sounds like a fun idea!
We actually arrive later in the day on the 10th so dont know about being able to Host. How do the work
What time of the day are you planning on? This is our arrival day and even under optimistic projections, the resort may not have a room immediately available.
Decorate room, have some drinks available, music, etc. It's nothing fancy, but I intend to have the best party going in our room!! Challenge thrown out there!