Hey April addicts and anyone else, that will be there on April 10th We are planning a ROOM CRAWL For those who don't know what it is we have 4-5 host rooms and then everyone else that signs up is on the crawl we will all meet at a designated spot and go from room to room and spend approx. 15-20 minutes in each room sometimes less! The people who sign up to be a host room should be prepared to decorate your room (no need to go crazy) and have some kind of shot or something that goes with your theme! sometimes people even have games! Room Crawls are a nice way to meet new people and also see the different room types... so here is the question?? who would like to Host a room My group of 6 people will host one so we need 4 more rooms Host Room #1.........Tom/Kelly, Matt/Amanda, Ricky/Sally Host Room #2......TFlexxin Kim/Anthony, Liz/Matt Host Room #3......? Host Room #4.......? Host Room #5......? Also Who would Like to join us for the crawl please sign up below!! I will edit this post as people sign up!