O Edward and Sandy here from Texas. March 2 till 6. First time. But not new to what Temptation has to offer. Nice to meet everyone
No problem. WDSN is my favorite theme night of all time, is what WDSN is... WDSN = White Dress Shirt & Heels Night (1-button Rule until 11:00 p.m.). Basically, the hotties wear their man's White Dress Shirt, put ont heir high heels, button the one button there somewhere in their middle and out the door they go to party! As stated above, we usually find a place to congregate prior to the party invasion of.. it'd be Bash now, so that could either be at the Quiet Pool bar, or now in the Sports Bar. No preference, just need a place where everyone can get a couple drinks in them, chat a bit and generally get the vibe going. It's a damn good time. I do understand that some folks don't dig the look, which is fine, but it's been my experience ethat the vast majority of folks think its WAY sexy, especially when the flirty undone buttons start walking around.
Solid! I think it's going to be a great day! Boobs Cruise that morning/afternoon. Naptime. Then White Dress Shirt Night for the party! Awesome!
Hi, from Houston, so are we! Welcome to Cancuncare, you'll enjoy it here! How many times have y'all been to Temptation?