They don’t really care as long as you have something around your hips and it could be dental floss. ( ladies ) For men I saw some going away with only one side of string on the hips and sheer.
If I am a male looking for sexy/revealing (I know hard for a guy to be sexy in swimwear) swimwear, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go in Cancun? Or is there a gift shop at Temptation that sells it?
Unless your a guy with a nice 6 pack you need to have a good sense of Humor and wear it proud. That being said is a swimwear company that has alot of options
i have been there 5 times topless at the pools and beach night time no one cares especially the guys love it
The only issue is that I am going to be at Temptations tomorrow, so ordering online is not an option.
there was a shop at TTR.. if nothin there ask around,, bartenders are pretty good with infoe. catch a bus and go dountown for a us dollar. shopping there
The bus goes straight to the mall, ame bus brings you straight back we did it last year kind of cool rally went to the tequila museum at the mall