We will be leaving in 2 weeks for first trip. Any fun or favorite drinks ( or shots too) to try out? Looking to have fun. Any special thing to ask for or bartender that stands out and made your time even better?
Drink anything and everything! This is almost an impossible question to answer, and you won't really understand this until you get there. One word of advice though is that if you drink nothing but the very sugar/fruit based frozen drinks all day, you will be sooo hung over the next day. I normally try to only have these in the morning, and normally the ones I order are like mudslides with bananas in them. I believe they are call "Chunky monkeys", But there isn't always exact consistency from one day to the next or the drinks/shots from the various bartenders.
I agree with Steve. But they do have most of the popular brands of alcohol there and they can make you anything you want.
Good to consider. I will just order the anything and everything of course always good to pace so that I'm not passed out just past noon. Didn't know if there were any signature type drinks that sound good or something different than usual . I am sure we will be more than drunk and happy no matter what.
The go to drink while we were there two weeks ago, or maybe a week ago, LOL was the White Pussy or Pink Pussy shot or drink. They make both Enjoy
The ladies have been downing monkey sperm shots. To me it’s nasty but they like it. Thanks Rommel for getting them hooked on that nastiness