Where are all the lifestyle people at? We would love to get together and have fun at Bash one night (lingerie night?) and take the party to a room with a group of people. Who’s interested in joining in! KIK: hotcplmke
There's a sticky thread at the top of the forum for LS couples.... there's another sister website for that! When are you going?
Based on a quick look at their profile seems they are there now. Maybe it is a little slow on the ls front?
I would suggest hanging by the sexy pool bar now or in the jacuzzi and just socializing. Then lobby bar before dinner and Bash after dinner. Just have fun and party. The other stuff tends to happen most when you are not looking for it. But definitely let down your guard and introduce yourselves to fellow partiers as a start.
Walk around with an upside down pineapple or black ring. Lol Just get real drunk and party with people get body shots going. Even if they are vanilla you might get lucky. Or just ask around