Looking through the thread I have a suggested list. Monday the 15th - 911 Tuesday the 16th - Heaven n hell Wednesday the 17th - lingerie Thursday the 18th - Sexy super hero Friday the 19th - School girl/kilt Saturday the 20th - Neon/glow Sunday the 21st - Uniform These seem fun to us but almost any theme seems fun to us. If anyone wants to change any of these that would be cool. Just trying to get a list started for shopping purposes. And wondering how many would participate in these themes. If other themes would get more participation we should change to them.
How about this lineup so we can get shopping! Tell me what ya'll think..... Sun 14- ABC Mon 15- Uniform/911/School Girl Tues 16- Heaven & Hell/Angels & Devils Wed 17- lingerie Thus 18-TBT Decade/Sexy Superhero Fri 19- White Night Sat 20- Neon Glow Add to it if you are there in the days before/after.
I looked thru FB and here and made a chart... hoping the more we get on same page the more epic!! Thoughts?!?!
we are there the 15th 23rd and we like this list for those nights. Cant wait to get the party started.
Maybe on your ABC night could you put / sexy construction worker that was a big hit in November actually made the owner laughs because he saw all these sexy construction workers