80s is too cold. We keep ours around 100 for short soaks but we've found that mid 90s is better for long term sitting and optimal male response . Too hot with with booze mixed in is not a great mix.
Just got back last Thursday and they keep it around 90 degrees. Plenty of people in it around 5-7 but security is right there. I saw them breaking up couples just making out.
First day was yesterday and they closed the tub at 7pm. While dancing on the stage at Bash we noticed it repopend. That was close to 2am. Not sure when it reopened. We also can't report on what happens in the tub. We only spent 15 minutes before being told it was closing.
That’s too bad. My wife had some high hopes of heating up the hot tub with a few other ladies. Hopefully they relax a bit after the sun goes down.
Wow, that's great news. How many of us as bribe some of them to let us alone? I remember they also ask me to cover myself cause my white dress ( that was now sheer due to the sport pool ) and I was like Ok, you want me to cover myself but everyone was wearing less than me and see threw more than me they were baffling for some sort of answer. Plus I was only going to get drink to the bar and go back to my friends. During this year the security was pretty bad and they were also killing the vibe for everyone. I'm happy it came back to normal As for the hot tub. For us 90 + degree it's hot. April night are always hot and sweaty ! This will be an interesting trip ! And I'm looking forward to hit. Freezing our asses off 5 months I don't mind the water being at 80 either. We went in a hut tub this year at GP and the water was max at 75 degree that was damn cold !
On Sep. 30, the big hot tub left from bash area was COLD, and empty :-( Hopefully they heat it up by February ...