Same dates for us so will see you at the sexy pool ! Beware the day 1 curse. Eat your carbs and try to have every 2nd drink as water. So many people have missed the first night from a nap turning into a sleep after a great day at the pool and beach.
Rainy day here today.. as well as for the last week. I think we got like one sunny day. Days like that really make me feel to get the hell out. Anyways, i’ve been shopping actually today and bought few things for the Temptation theme night. Still looking for a led/glow in the dark top and still had found none. I might just use a bikini top and just using glow paint or something. Bought 2 new berrydog swimsuit as well ( I love these and really high quality. ) 5 months and 6 days left before we leave. Until february time will go fast then it’s gonna go slow as hell. We all need to have a proper liver training otherwise we might go for the first day curse. And my intake is bad 3 drinks and I’m drunk. Question; what is the TBT theme night TTR? And anyone planning to start theme night poll? Receiving stuff from ebay takes forever and most of you know how bad I hate to be last minute I’ll do angel & devil, lingerie, pyjamas ( lingerie pyj ), white night and glow night. Maybe I’ll have some of ccc theme night integrated with mine. I know the schedule can change BUT...the theme night at TTR have been the same for the last 4 years I went.
it's 5 PM and it's dark. Canadian Tire had some Christmas song playing ( nov 7th ). But good thing, every day as painful as they are we still get 1 day closer from happy place. And I also start shopping for the theme night ! Ebay stuff takes 1-2 months
We booked last June for the first week of April....package came down nearly $800 today! Thank goodness our travel agent was able to adjust our pricing.
We just booked April 15-21..Looking forward to see old friends and making new ones! Plus seeing the new TTR. Damn is it April yet??
We have been waffling around on our spring dates but have finally decided on the first week of April. Hope to book today or tomorrow. Sindy & Sam