Anyone going 1-14 to 1-21 want to talk theme nights? Want to plan something fun or stick to resort themes? Or if anyone has already seen a list going please let me know. Day after Halloween might be a good time to start picking up some fun accessories! Thx
I was just looking at the resort theme nights and they are not as fun as some we can come up with. The theme night for the resort on Wednesday is lingerie. Hard to beat lingerie night so I vote to keep the Wednesday the 17th as lingerie night.
Heyyyy Par-Tay people! Resort themes: Sun - bedtime bash Mon - mex fest Tues - heaven n hell Wed - classy lingerie Thurs - throw back to any decade Fri - white Sat - neon/glow I think it would be fun to switch up Sunday Monday and Thursday to something else. Some other suggestions I have seen.. Sexy super hero Uniform- sports/911/school girl LBD Rock star Hugh and bunny (maybe sun)
We are there 1/11-1/20- I actually just started a new thread with the same thoughts! It's getting cold in New England... trying to not countdown TOO MUCH but I can't wait! Shopping time!
I’m thinking sexy superhero one night.. maybe Thursday the 18th? Boobs Cruise is mon the 15th .. you guys going?
Yes indeed! Just deposited yesterday! We are trying to explain it to our friend who's a TTR virgin. It's SO HARD to not make it sound bad. LOL
Arriving on the 11th. Didn't know which Boobs Cruise to book. 12 or 15. Or both? First time for everything.
My friend and I have our decade costume already... leftover from our 90's night Just gotta find cuter tops and something for the Mister