Hi, My husband and I have a trip planned next month and I have SO MANY questions that I can't find clear answers to. (I'll just start with a few). Would LOVE any help Not even sure if this is where/ how I'm supposed to ask questions........ Do the guys usually dress up for theme nights or just women? Do women generally wear one outfit to dinner and then change after? Are majority of women topless at pool? Thanks everyone....We are excited, but a bit nervous too. First time here.
1 - Women tend to dress it up a bit more than men, but plenty of men dress up. 2 - If it's toooo revealing, yes. But otherwise, many wear the same. 3 - I'd say it's about 65% topless. But it depends on the crowd.
I guess it must depend on the group that is there when you are mainly.... 1 My husband usually dresses up for theme nights as well as me. Doesn't if it is a theme he really doesn't like, or we can't find an outfit that would be nice... Mine are usually more 'gung-ho' than his, but he does try! 2 Personally, I rarely wear my theme night outfit to dinner and haven't really seen anyone else doing that either unless it is 'normal' clothes. For our upcoming trip in Nov/Dec, I think only one of my outfits is suitable for dinner wear imo. Not that the outfits are really extreme, just not dinner wear.... 3 As our third time, at that time of year, the past two times actually had only a small percentage non-topless - I went the first time believing I would only be topless for sunbathing, then wondering why I brought tops! No pressure to go topless if you don't want to but, if you secretly would love to but don't - perfect! Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please feel free to PM me....
I would recommend wearing a nice, sexy dress for dinner. Most of us change into our "theme" outfits afterwards. The men don't participate as much as the women, but that can also be hit or miss. Halloween offers a different crowd. I can imagine they're will be much more male participation. As for topless, I would say that most of the women are topless at the pool. TTR has a great participation rate, wayyyyyyy more than any other resort we've been to. Keep this is mind, TTR is about presenting yourself in a way that you wouldn't normally be. Go all out, be over the top! Remember, the resorts motto is "no one knows you and no one gives a shit"!
1. Some guys dress up, but definitely more women than men. Men tend to accessorise with appropriate theme accessories, whereas women will go all out with accessories and a sexy outfit that matches the theme too. Some guys will do full theme attire too, but they're more in the minority. 2. Yes, women generally wear one outfit to dinner, and maybe even for the earlier part of the evening at the bar, then go change into 'theme wear' after a few drinks at the bar and the party has got going. 3. I guess it depends what the crowd is like. I've never really counted what % of women are topless at the pool, but there's always quite a few.
Bless your heart, I live for this stuff.... Well, that's not quie right, I live for a lot of other things too, but I do enjoy sharing the info with people so they're more confortable on the inbound to Party Mecca. The unknown auses fear. Give information, things become known, and fear goes away. Bam! Knowledge dropped. Got more questions?