Since it appears that the weekend of the 24/25 of July is ok with the majority of the people now we need to pick a city Houston or Dallas. I won't put an official time for the voting. Even after voting you can comment if you want to. I for one vote for Dallas but if Houston is picked that would be cool also.
:devil: he he he....Nope it's not now Mikey!! Really...either is fine for me...easier in Houston...but if more will come to Dallas....that's better! Either way....Let's do it!!
I agree with Dori, while Houston is convenient for us, we want as many folks as possible and I don't mind driving 3 hrs to save someone from N. Texas/OK from driving 6 or not coming at all. Besides, I've never been to Dallas, and party any time in Houston :wink: So my vote is for Dallas! OMG it's 50/50!!! We'll have to do both 8)
Now Dallas is winning! The only reason we prefer Dallas is because we get back to Dallas from BBG on July22 and Dean flies back to KY on July 25. If it is to be held in Houston, we would not be able to attend because of the timing...............Annette
Dallas...I haven't found a job yet in San Antonio, so there's a better bet I'll be free in late July. Still hoping for that job, tho!
Anette....will gladly drive to Dallas if that means y'all can come!! Something to think about....we've had several responses to to the idea of an ongoing party. Whether it be day to night or all weekend. Anyone have any ideas? So far we have 2 suggestions for restraunts. What about daytime activities? Anyone have or know of a pool? Teq volleyball anyone? :wink: or just a place to go...ideas? Too bad we're not doing this in Galveston or S.Padre....beach would be great too. No one's stepping on toes here....just jump in and toss out your ideas..
Ok, if I can talk Diva into inviting everyone to our house for tequila volleyball, I will. I don't have a volleyball net and it is a diving pool with a small shallow end, but we can improvise. It just really requires tequila, a pool, and people with no clothes on. I have several very important honey do's in order for her to agree. I will work on some of them this weekend. There are some other great party spots in Dallas for daytime partying or nighttime. I really think everyone would really like La Margarita and the name kind of makes us think about BBG. I can call the guy who owns it and see what he can do for a large group. Also, the sangria and margaritas are awesome. Is Dori bringing the skittles? Remember, I have not tried the skittle drinks yet. James
I'm so glad for this new topic!! It's generated some we'll get a better idea on who's coming. James....I'll bring all the skittles you can drink hun! Call the owner...get it going and plan all sounds great to me! Do your honey dos also...we need a pool!!