I know this has been asked multiple times over the years but need updated info. We have Verizon and bought some add-on plan last year, and it did not work. How can we use our Verizon phones while there?
get the travelpass $5 a day and it is the same as whatever plan you have in the states. talk/text and data.
We have Verizon and when last there (August 2016) they worked great. Seems like our plan only cost an additional $2 per day.
Also, with the Verizon Travelpass, they only charge you for the days that you use it. So if you are at the hotel and just use the WiFi some days, you might not even have to pay the $5 every day. My business plan has it included for free, but my wife has to pay the Travelpass daily rate for the days that she uses her phone.
For anyone that comes across this thread but has a Sprint phone, you just need to call Sprint and tell them you'll be travelling to Mexico and they can turn on international calling. We've done it every time we've gone to Cancun.
With Sprint it is free text, free 1gb data, and .20 a minute calling on the international plan. They do have to activate for you.