Miss you fuckers! Was a blast hanging out with you guys... Next time I'm bringing two cartridge refills with me though!
She is trying to get back at the resort. She use to set up her henna tattoos and such by the beach beside the sexy pool. You can find her on FB under Anguie Mena Morales.
Hate to be so blunt but someone is going to die due to the stairs and 2ft drop at the pool and slippery floors
The stairs are just ridiculous. I didn't have any issue outside the pool, but subbed my toe almost every one getting out and fell face first into the pool because you can't see the last step lol. And that Bash hot tub-well enter at your own risk. No guarantees that thing won't go crashing to the first floor below.
Great trip report! We arrive on Sept. 30, we haven't met y'all yet but we have heard good things from John and Micheal.