We were already excited by the sexy vibe post but now you add in that the DJ leans on modern club and house party music...perfect. There is nothing better than a DJ who knows how to control the mood and atmosphere through music. It just keeps getting better.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. I kinda like the spring break for adults vibe, personally. I would imagine things will start trending a bit more in that direction about 15 minutes after @ScubaSteve and Elyse show up.
Now that we've been to both Desires and Temptation, I can say I really appreciate the DJ at Temptation so much more now. We were at Desire Pearl last month and the DJ played the same 7 or 8 songs every single night. There's a whole thread on the Desire forum about how unimaginative the DJ there is. I remember how great the music was at Paty-O's and Nice Shoes.
Hey, you trying to say I can't be sexy and sophisticated. Didn't we have tea and scones and see a Broadway show once??
Sorry I don't see it in the picture of the whiskeys I took. Trying to post the pic but having issues on the plane wifi. Or maybe it is a cancuncare issue. Not sure. Will post later
She appears to be the most formal and we were told no shorts but we saw two people with nice shirts with shorts and they were seated. At the Seafood (why can I never remember the name) it is a gorgeous room. Very fancy. Were told no shorts but people were seated with a t-shirt and jean shorts. I think it is possible the resort is not enforcing rules right now to avoid conflict due to the facilities issues
I think it is sold out? But I did have a nice convo w the front desk manager at check out. I nicely shared our issues and made some recommendations. She seemed to be interested. But she also said we were put in their best room that was ready so feel really lucky re that. She said I should email her and can make a request and she would see what she could do. Very nice person. Feel bad about all they have had to deal with. Not their fault that the plan was to open on 8/15 no matter what. Staff now has to deal with all that comes with that. Maybe my request will be a room on the 'grand reopening night'