Actually our white band was still on us from Pearl. They swapped it out to blue now which I think is eithet related to tower or our master suite. Steve is in a regular room that he indicated had several issues. I know he is trying to change. Black must mean regular room
I wonder who will be the first to fall off that raised dance floor in the center of BASH? Be careful don't ruin your night.... (Note to self for end of Oct.)
So since Almost everyone has been upgraded, I guess it wasn't exactly sold out? Or will the people who paid for those rooms get down graded? Inquiring minds....
Awesome!!!! Thanks for taking time from the excitement to post for the rest of us. Hope everyone there popping the new TTR cherry has a blast. Cant wait for Halloween.
What floor is your suite on? Assuming it is in the tower overlooking the pool? If so, can't wait to see a pic of the whole finished pool area from up in the tower!