I apologize for posting this in the TTR thread but figured this gets the most activity. Anyone know what the current restrictions are for bringing alcohol into Cancun? I read 3 liters per person, is that still the case? Thanks.
That's what it was last week. I didn't bring any this time, but nothing seemed to change. And I overheard someone else say it.
http://www.sat.gob.mx/informacion_fiscal/normatividad/formas_fiscales/Documents/A30_ingles.pdf That's a link to the most current Custom's Declaration form for entering Mexico and it still says "up to three liters of alcoholic beverages" Hope it helps.
You think the resort will run out? Sorry couldn't resist. Wrap the bottles in Crown bags though...er something in a Crown bag
Alcohol side note.....you can carry on the small bottles (2oz) as long as they are in a clear small ziplock bag when travelling in the US. This is similar to other liquids that you can pack in carry ons in containers less than 4 oz. But if you connect in Mexico, you have to go back through security, and those bottles are not allowed. Just a mention, as my wife and I like to get the party started early.
Or for a small fee you can always have one of the friendly drivers from the transfer company stop so you can purchase it there if you're worried about weight.