Hoping the weather here in NL does not delay our flight or even getting to the airport.2nd blizzard in 3days. Definitely ready for Cancun
I guarantee there are no golf carts to travel between the resorts. Never seen a golf cart on the HZ main road, far too dangerous.
Hey- I just accidentally posted on the May board- so Ill try this again) We just booked for 20-23rd (Desire RM before and after) Very curious about this hotel....hope its as fun as Temptations and Desire! We are a couple in our 40ies- we are in the LS but love making friends with people regardless if they share our lil hobby) Hope to be meeting some of you soon! BTW- Any themes going on those days?
Can't wait Hopefully will be tomorrow if it stops snowing 15 inches on the ground and doesn't end until tomorrow suppose to leave at 5am