I'm not sure how to respond to the owners thinking but if they stated the saving of pool chairs, bubba mugs, how they were perceived and cosmetic issues were the major issues they should spend some time reading their check out reviews and the Cancuncare forums for some valid truthful information. Yes the buildings needed some major work and updating and I thank them for doing so but going upscale is not the major draw to a resort like this with it's location and with what the other resorts in Cancun with the location have to offer for that type of upscale clientele. I wish we were the owners of "that" resort and if so could care less what Cancun, Mexico or any other country thinks about it's concept except to have the best staff on hand to take care of the everyday needs of the people a resort like this attracts then take care of those workers, they did have this already with the old TTR and if anything we can wish for is these workers to return when TTR reopens. I to can't wait for the new Temptation to reopen and to read the reviews and how the owners new concept of TTR makes it's mark in Cancun. I totally agree with time will tell. T
I think as the father has shifted away from the resort and given control over to the son, (I imagine all of the sons have some say in what goes on) they want to change the image of TTR. It's known on most trip advisories sites as a run down, mold infested booze fest filled with swingers. Not an issue to me but to NEW comers they read those reviews and pass over for resorts like breathless. It's easy for us CCC members to Act like we own TTR but in all reality we don't and even though we are VERY loyal we probably only make up 30% of the resort at any given time. I hope beyond all hope that the resort doesn't change too much but to think they're not issuing new rules to go along with the New multi million dollar investment doesn't make much sense. If all they do is take away the ability to save pool chairs or carry oversized bubba mugs then I think we have a winner! If they choose to try to DRIVE OUT the OLD TTR fan base for a new, younger better shaped clientele then BOOOOOOO!
NICHE TTR fills a very important, rare "void" (pun intended) in the world. They can very well change and compete with the clientele from other upscale Vanilla resorts. Not likely they will. They are successful, usually booked up as much as the other resorts and have a 1000% more steady customer base. I'm believing there will just be subtle changes and a (hopefully only slight) price increase due to the $$$$ improvements. Jonathan (Gringo)
How about those inflatables! Inflatable most resembling a member of TTR's cast or crew (past or present)
I don't think they want to change to much. If they did really want to change they would want to leave out that huge mosaic of the naked lady at the bottom of the pool.
Yeah, I doubt that a huge change is coming but it does make sense that they would want to protect their investment. I believe that they will try to enforce a few changes but will find it difficult to do with us! We are a very loyal customer base and if they get numerous complaints about simple things like mugs and chairs they'll give in. I'm more concerned with being able to get naked in the pool late night!!! Nothing like a good skinny dipping around 2:00 a.m.
Well of course technically that never was allowed. Supposed to keep the bottoms on. Enforcement was inconsistent but if they saw you getting naked they would tell you to put bottoms on. I wouldn't expect those rules to get looser.
We've had on a couple of occasions the security guard at the sports pool give us a wink and walk off for about 3o minutes or so to let us frolic around then when he would return we would casually get our bottoms back on then he would leave and they'd come back off. Wash, Rinse Repeat!
I have an idea for Day theme. I know most guys now days tend to wear square cuts. How about we have a board shorts day?