Oh heck no, it's not that! Variety is the spice of life, but not in resorts! After 5 years of 2 or 3 weeks at TTR each year, we're having a terrible time trying to find a place to go this spring. We are not fans of couples only resorts and we're not all that much into full nude. Everything else looks like a church camp. We have searched everything from Canary Islands to Costa Rica and nothhing feels right. For those of you who have to find some "strange" while TTR is closed, were there any that made you feel as good as the real thing? Can't wait to hook up with my main squeeze TTR in September!
Well, if you find anything let us know. We're comfortable with full nude as long as it's confined to the pool and beach only. We prefer couples resorts actually, but could be flexible if all else is right for us. Good luck with you search. I've found next to nothing.
Honestly, been to the two main places that aren't couples only that people are hitting...GP and Oasis Sens. Both have pros and cons vs each other, but neither approach the total party and nightlife that exists at TTR. What can be said is that it's all about the people you are with. If you've got a good group, you will have fun together. That being said...the TTR takeovers for Chinos cause for cancer are the only real "vacation" now. If you can get to one, you'll know what I mean.
So I know we missed "Hanging Out" literally together for the Wrecking Ball week. You should really give Oasis Sens a try! It's not TTR but it has a lot of good attributes. We'll be there June 25th-July2 with a pretty good sized group from TTR. The resort let us have our way in January. I agree with you on the full nude resorts, kinda takes the fun out of getting naked! And couples only really cuts into the options! LOL
We were looking again last night. Can anyone share any experience with Heaven at Hard Rock RM? It looks nice, adults only & topless. Is there a good vibe there?
We decided to change things up and go with a Cruise. There is a cruise at the end of March, Bliss Cruise. It is a take over cruise that seems very much like TTR . I think the only things different is that it is clothing optional at the pool and it is a little pricy. Cant wait to get back to TTR but in the mean time thank god there is something.
Where can I find out about this Bliss cruise you mentioned? We are looking for something to do late March and this seems like something to look into....