The idea of colored wristbands still going? We liked being able to easily let people know we're not going to be offended by just about anything, but we don't actually swing.
Don't need a wristband for that, just need skin. That's how we've been doing it since 2007, at TTR and DRM.
The orange bracelets are the Cancuncare ones. The white with the red lips are the swayers/swingers bracelets. Bracelets who cares anyone at TTR are good peeps. T
I could be wrong but I think swayer only a term that is used at TTR and with TTR people. The orange bands are for cancuncare people and the white bands with the red lips on them identify lifestyle or lifestyle friendly people. Nikki
Yea I pretty much just start every conversion with "Hello, I'm Steve, and I love to party" Where it goes from there, who the hell knows, and sometimes who the hell remembers! But yep the orange are for "swayers", hahaha sounds about right. Guess I am down for some double swayer-ing since I normally have two orange bracelets on (the second one is actually to give away as needed to someone that doesn't know anything about CancunCare...hey we all got to start somewhere.)
Dern double posting I think. Wear as little as possible and guarantee yourself a good time! That's the ticket. As long as we've been going, and our first trip was 2007 as well, red bands were for guests, to indicate who was a guest, white (the resort issued white) where for the Premier Member/owners, and the orange super-awesomes were for supporters and we all got them by going on the Boobs Cruise. I may be wrong, but the lifestyle white ones are in the same sort of rubbery style, rather than that weird tape-plastic for the resorts bands, but they may may be someone else's idea. Maybe even Steves for the CCS site and folks, but I'm unsure on that. Perhaps we need a complete banding system, so you can glance at a hottie from across the pool and know what they're into without ever having to open your mouth and engage in conversation like a real person? So... for me, maybe a white one, indicating our premier membership, with an off-white outer ring perhaps combined with some red piping like my cane to indicate my eyeball thing so people can finally figure that out, then in the middle have a two-tone brown & gold pattern with cross striaitions of hot pink (you'd need a KeyMap book for the legend for these, but we Could do it) to show that while I'm generally a gentle guy, I like doggy-style while standing and pulling her hair, then go have several beers while exchanging funny stories afterwards. And... for her, let's see. Start with Black & cool pink stripes, since she's "like that," and I've already got us covered at the bar and towel guy with my own white band, but only the outer ring is black/pink to indicate her disdain for clothing of any kind, usually, so that would go with the standard "nude color for the rest of her band except for the highlights indicating sexual preference stuff, which'd be in the middle have a two-tone brown & gold pattern with cross striaitions of hot pink -- which is why we're together, I mean c'mon -- it ain't for my scintillating conversation, right... My conversation IS scintillating, though, don't forget. OR... we "could" just go up to hot/cool/fun guys & gals and chat. Unless that's too much effort...