As for who is paying for the wall. Sadly it will be most of us. Especially those of us that live and work in 'sanctuary' cities. Trump has already stated he is stopping federal funding to those cities. Estimated that Philadelphia will lose upwards of $300 million a year. Not like they just have that money sitting around. Will they cut services or find another way to make up the deficit? Recently sodas (not just those w sugar, all) went from $1.65 to $2.15 to cover an education deficit. What is next? Likely higher city wage taxes. I just hate to think that I have to pay for a wall I don't support because my city is a sanctuary city, something else I don't support, ugh.
At least one things for sure. It's funny as hell when the former president says "I'm not gonna pay for the fucking wall!" and he did it at least twice on TV interviews.
Last time I looked, there was a lot of ocean around those 2 country,s How you going to build a wall on water ?
Most illegals crossing the border are not Mexicans. They are from Central and South America. They are good people, for the most part, that are being persecuted by the drug lords. Why the hell would Mexico pay for the wall I agree with Steve, that the US consumer will end up paying for the wall. Hold on to your hat. Remember the high inflation Reagan years, they are headed back. Remember Trickle Down Economics. The CEO's will line their pockets again.
Our country is in trouble with this trump character as president. He is a stone cold idiot who has no respect for anyone unless you agree with how he thinks 110 percent. In my opinion we need no wall. The Mexican people here are hard working people and we should build bridges and love one another instead of building walls and creating mire hatred. Trump seems to want conflict and likes to see hatred amongst people and loves to insult people for their beliefs. Nothing good can come of hatred.
So...........during their phone conversation today.......the President's agreed not to,talk about who is paying for the wall. Seems to me that everyone should know who has declared "Check Mate". Does anyone think for a millisecond that Trump would shut up if he wasn't solidly in control of the situation?
To compare the estimated 35,000 to 120,000 illegal immigrants in Canada to the Estimated 11,000,000 in the U.S. is asinine! Using an excuse that there are illegal Americans in Canada is just silly. Argue the facts and not make up silly and unintelligent facts or statements. Your final sentence shows you have a serious dislike of Trump that is irrational and uneducated. Your repeating a simplistic idea put forth by the media which showed there irresponsible and almost idiotic support of Hillary Clinton, who by ALL accounts is the most corrupt and self absorbed political figure in the past 30 years. For the record, Donald Trump owns over 500 companies of which he filed bankruptcy on 4! Everyone that has been blowing a gasket over him is foolish to think that he's gonna start WW3. The man is evidently a Damn good man based on how his children are and how well his companies are run. Him making the claim that Mexico is going to pay for the wall is an analogy for the wall being built on the revenues generated from import taxes and tariff's. At the end of the day, he's the Commander in Chief of the United States for the next 4 years and he has the Senate and the Congress for at least 2 of those years. I would imagine that the world is going to see a whirlwind of activity based on his first week in office. If you don't agree with him or his policies, fine, but offering up foolish quips to try to justify a position makes the person come across as a simpleton.
On a lighter note. The United States is one of the Greatest Places to be, love it or Hate it. We offer freedom to ALL who seek it, legally. We have so many friends from Canada that are AMAZING and we look forward to coming and paying a visit. But only when it's warm. Vince and Wendy, hopefully we can meet at TTR one day and drink till our guts fall out.