This wasn't easy........but we managed to book the hotel for Friday night and will be attending the party Friday night!!!!! The downside is we have to leave OKC Saturday morning at 7am to make it to son's football game 5 hours away!! [emoji12][emoji12][emoji12] WE CAN DO IT!!!! XOXOXOXOX Dawn & Curtis
We've had a change of plans for this weekend and are making last minute plans to attend. Looking forward to seeing everyone and and having another Boobs Cruise this fall!! Tom and Lorie
No longer a boot. Full cast for three weeks. Now waiting on one of those knee scooters to arrive since crutches are horrible.
I'm sorry our plans have changed. I had surgery for Hydraceole last Thursday and had no idea I'd be so wiped out and black and blue. Not a pretty sight downtown. We love Okc and sorry to miss out on our Cancun friends here local. I hope there's a next time.
Hey guys, looking to attend solo and told I need to be sponsored. Can anyone help out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk