We became members last week at pretty much the basic level. They have provided rates for balance of 2016 prior to closing and for end of 2017 and 2018 when it reopens. As noted by others you can get yourselves a good deal by being a good negotiator. Took us the better part of the day but it was raining. The deal worked for us with a few twists and we were happy with the result. The deal breaker was not just TTR but access to Worldpass, RCI etc. as others noted. We travel a lot elsewhere so the access to Worldpass and flight discounts was key. And for TTR we pay much less than what we have paid without the membership.
We are trying to decide if being a premier member is worth it as well. I've heard both worth it and not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have to negotiate a deal that is better than what you pay now for all of your vacations in a single year. We will do TTR once a year, at least a week somewhere in the US once a year, at least 2 weekends in CAN/US twice a year. Your membership gives you access to TTR, Worldpass, RCI and SFX. To make it work you have to use these to book all your vacations going forward. Seems like a bit of work but previously I spent a lot of time earning points on credit cards, researching ad nauseum on expedia etc etc. Just know your numbers going in and don't budge until you get the plan that works for you.
He's just trying to protect his Investment! I'm convinced 95% of memberships are impulse purchases...........the others were bad at math.... Of course there are those that are "flush"
We bought in last year. This coming trip we saved $512 from the cheapest online rate. Based on this math, and that it continues this way, we will essentially get our money back in around 5 years if we go approx 11/2x per year. Certainly not a great investment given the risks, etc, but really not losing (unless a catastrophic event occurs) as some have incorrectly ascertained. This also does not factor in the perks - of which we really enjoy. In any case, we've certainly pissed away a hellava lot more money on lame ass shit than we did on our TTR/Desire membership.
Exactly our point. When we considered the amount of money that we throw away in any given week in our everyday life all it takes is to be a little more fiscally responsible at home and the membership makes sense. Then go to TTR every year, use you other perks and you save money. Its like killing yourself over leasing an a higher model car over a lesser model with the difference being $30 a month and then consider how much you spend on cheeseburgers and coffee every week...doh :ranting1: