We have been to TTR about 7 times and LOVE it. Going back in September and wondering if we should become members. Anyone have any pros/cons that they have noticed with membership? Do they really reimburse you $500 for airline ticket? Would you purchase again or if had to do it over, just continue booking like the rest of us red bracelet peeps? Thanks!!
there is no such thing as a good deal on a time share.....even if they call it a 'membership and you 'Premier"
Have you not seen those white towels? IN seriousness, you are asking about something that is completely subjective. Each person that purchased, is sure they got a great deal. If they really use it and enjoy it, then "it is worth it". If someone was pressured, made a bad bargain and regret it, then it was "not worth it". Some are just automatically prejudiced against the concept or had a bad experience in their youth, to them it would never be "worth it". In our experience the "discount" on the resort/room rate never was enough to beat the package prices you could get with airfare to other places. For Cancun, we get to fly from Texas for free usually with points so the purchase price would have to be really low on a membership. I have not sat through the presentation at Temptation. But, someone on another thread were talking about selling their package for $7500 and it had "25 weeks". That means for every week they stay, they have prepaid $300 for that week. Now someone that is a member will have to tell us what "rate" they get when they use their week.
Same thing I said You apparently did not read my entire post. I said the same thing. In addition, we have purposely not participated in "the pitch" at Temptation because we believe up-front it is not a good deal for us.
Popcorn Now be aware, Donald is the master at getting threads stirred up. As to the "guaranteed room prices", go over to the "email new rates" thread and give that a review.
Absolutely no offense taken funcpl 27. As i said in original post, it is sibjective based on one's experience. As example, you have never met anyone that just bought a new car that does not say they got a "great deal" on the car. As to your other comment, yes boobies And Here's to nakedness on the Boobs Cruise!