Yes, those little permanent ones that are attached to the wall. They work, but take an extra 15 min to completely dry your hair compared to your 1800 watt drier you use at home
It's no fire breathing dragon but the hair dryer in the room will dry your hair eventually. T Sent Using Tapatalk
Gladly our dates have changed! I had to roll back the start of the trip to Sept 2nd to make dang sure my sexy man could experience a Boobs Cruise! So, we get one more day to enjoy life to the fullest. Sept 2-8! Would love to meet some friends on here so that we know someone when we get there. Also, i really love the theme nights and intend on taking full advantage of each night. Im hoping lots of other people do as well.
We will have a couple of days together, we leave on the 4th. The Boobs Cruise on the 3rd although not a sell out it will still be a blast with the peeps I know that are on it. We plan on doing all the themes too. T