I've been reading a ton of reviews which are very helpful!! Thank you guys for that, I noticed fireball liquor seems to be a very popular choice. Is there a "special" use for that brand or just a popular liquor? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I like a "special" kind of drunk. Guess a lot of folks here just prefer fireball. Lol The one thread that I read, someone was doing a body shot, didn't have goggles on and got it in their eye. I can honestly say, I guess I'm not a hardcore enough drinker to wear goggles haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can get it in 3 litter box like wine! Just not here in Texas for some reason its not legal. google fireball box NOT "fire box" LOL.
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Those silver mugs are about the size of shot glasses. Fireball does go well with your RumChata but it will you get you lit !!!