Want to participate in a naughty toy swap? How does Monday the 13th sound for the naughty gift swap? We'd meet up at the quiet pool for a bit after the Dirty Disney June Junkies picture is taken. Swap out toys then return to Paty O's to party!! I was thinking to make it like a white elephant swap. Everyone brings a WRAPPED NEW UNUSED adult toy or accessory (Max price 35$) and we draw lots to see who picks first. That person can keep their gift or choose a wrapped gift. The next person can choose a wrapped gift or steal from someone who has theirs already. Etc... Sounds fun? Please respond to let me know if you will participate. This will give us an idea on how many people to plan for! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm bringing a toy to swap! Even if it ends up kid of small... It's still another way to meet more people ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk