Shit, I just came across this post. I love politics. Sorry about coming in so late. It looks like the primary will be between Trump and Hillary. I would like Trump to win. Not because he is a Republican or Democrat but because we need a change. We cannot continue down the same path. We don't need another politician. I know some are scared he is going to start WW3 but that's not likely. Why not try an outsider and see how it goes. If we don't like it after 4 years at least we can say we tried an outsider and it didn't work.
That's pretty much where I am. I have been hoping for years to get a non career politician in office.... and anyone but a Clinton. They just reek of entitlement.
I voted Cruz in the primary and even contributed to his campaign. At this point Cruz has lost me and Im having to back Trump. The more vids I see of Mexican flags and obvious welfare recipients bashing Trump the more I like him. The more I support him. Lacks substance? Obama was voted in by color and a slogan of Hope and Change. Nothing else that I could see and I follow politics on both sides across all news sources. Hey, I get free time at work. Seriously though, the people that are bashing trump in the news are clearly scared of what he is saying while at the same time taking much of it out of context. He nver said all Mexicans are criminals. He said many that come here from Mexico are from Mexico. I like near Houston. I see countless DWIs that are not here legally. Sometimes they kill people. Its happened several times very recently. Sure US citizens get DWIs too and kill people. Not the point. The point is we don't need it happening at the hands of someone that shouldn't be here to begin with. The building of a wall sounds good to me. I don't care who pays for it. Illegal immigration and the benefits paid to the and their kids exceeds the cost of a wall. More so when you consider the damage being dome to the healthcare side of things.
I understand the push for Trump even though I am not a Trump fan. I just don't think he is electable, or at least not at this point in time. I can't see anyone getting elected without any of the black vote, Latino vote, and with a majority of the women voting against him. To me Trump is going to insure that Hillary is the next President, but he will also insure that the vote buying folks will then pack the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court. My only consolation of a Hillary Presidency is that at least it's not Sanders. He would have turned us into another Venezuela.
Gary Johnson is probably a good alternative. I do not think he can get the visibility to be elected. Hillary will continue to destroy jobs and Trump is unpredictable to what he would be.
Gary Johnson is a Libertarian from New Mexico. Even less folks are aware of him than are aware of John Kasich. I don't see a Libertarian winning anymore than I see Trump winning. A lot of people are getting concerned with the huge swings in both parties. The Democrats are out there in Socialist Land and the Republicans are off on the other side. Right now we are so fragmented as a nation that I don't see anyone on the horizon who can bring us back together. Certainly not Hillary, Trump, Cruz, or Sanders. We need the White Knight to come in and rescue us and I don't see anyone out there who can fill that bill. There is a stark reality that we are just finishing up what may be 16 years of the two worst two term presidents in our history. We have a national debt that is over $44,000 for every man, woman and child in the US. We have kids that think they are entitled to be in college forever because someone else will pay for it. We have an aging population that didn't save for its retirement and we have a health care system that the government has pretty much destroyed. This is not the time for us to be unsure of the qualifications or mentality of who is going to lead us for the next four years or more.