Retained Earnings are due to cash flows that are consistently applicable to determine something called a "Sustainable Growth Formula" which is basically multiplication of ROE (return on equity) times Retention Rate. The RE is determined by consistent sales revenue * Profit after Tax/Sales * {1- Dividend Payout Ratio ( DPS/EPS)] For RE to finance the deal, the sales revenue and profit after tax assumptions would have to be astronomical. This is clearly an impossibility at current revenue numbers for the size of the hotel, average cost per room and occupancy rate. Its even worse after Opportunity Cost is taken into account considering the place closing down for about 1 year. Now if he personally financed the deal, NPV assumptions need to be made. Either way, it doesn't add up. Don't know how things work in Mexico (speaking about USA finance methods) but it should follow the same general principles. Every large scale hotel chain in the US uses these metrics to determine feasibility of expanding/renovating their current portfolio.
This isn't a new resort they have been in business for over 10 years. What do all you think TTR operates on a day to day income. I'm sure they have set aside plenty of money over the years plus all the memberships they have sold. I highly doubt they would be taking a loan out for the full 40 million or whatever the costs are. Sure prices will go up they always do but to $700 a night doubt it. Just my 2 cents.
. I agree with that, completely. I also think that, when you get a guy checked in his heart of hearts, at least when he's with the boys, slutty IS sexy, and always has been, which is why the look exists. I don't know any guy who does not appreciate it when his lady lets her inner slut out once in a while, and TTR is a great and protected place to do it. Note I also don't know any guy of substance who likes his lady with her slut factor turned up to Always On, either. There is a time and place. That place is TTR for lots and lots of folks, including us. Let's just face it... I can't host a White Dress Shirt & Heels night (1-button Rule until 11:00 p.m.) at the house and expect any sort of the same turnout as I can get at TTR. Doesn't happen. Same thing with Naughty Schoolgirls, etc. Hit the dern ALT+S too quick, had to edit. And, on Themes.... Monique, where did you get the impression that someone is "making you" wear a theme outfit/costume? My impression was that Nobody "made" you do anything.... Can't be peer pressure, and you've been going so long and so many times you've got your own groove and group. You can do whatever you want. Lots of ladies want to be part of a group if they are going out there "on the edge" with their sexiness... and theme nights give them (Stacia is one of these) that boost that their girlfriends will be doing likewise. Another note... Being disrespectful to security is not only discourteous, it's just plain stupid. Quick way to have a very bad trip. Who are the local cops going to believe? On being bottomless dancing at Patyo's.... I've.... uh... provoked a bit of that in my lady from time to time.... for us, maybe the other folks who joined in, it is part & parcel of the TTR late-night Patyo's experience. I've had people come up to us later on in the night and just ask, if we want to be doing that, why don't we go to Desire and do it there, which is a tough question. TTR and DRM just aren't the same. Both great, different though. *shrug*
To add some fuel to the mix here. Our Thomas cook booking hasn't been cancelled like others here and we are booked the end of June 2017
. Donald, always right in there with the "wound, meet salt" comment. Bam! That was sort of mean, dude.... funny in a watching a old man fall out of his chair sort of way, though, too.
Don't even know why I'm apologizing I actually meant'' good luck'' the happy face was for positive encouragement to get the refund , and the unhappy face was for the unhappy situation. Queen Annes recent similar situation resulted in her staying at GP because of non-refundable trips. Yes ''some'' of my posts have sarcasm or hurtfull truths in them , but this one was not intended as that. Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk