Rooms and Pricing - A few thoughts

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Steve, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Not sure if this has been posted, if so I may have missed it:

    New Room designations and breakdown

    144 Trendy Garden View Rooms (31 sq m)
    128 Trendy Ocean View Rooms (40 sq m)
    30 Plush Jacuzzi Ocean View (39 sq m)
    12 Seduction Beachfront Suites (44 sq m)
    90 Bash Tower Ocean View (48.5 sq m)
    16 Lush Tower Oceanfront Suites (59.5 sq m)
    8 Temptation Oceanfront Suites (128.5 sq m)
    2 Temptation Oceanfront Penthouses (192.7 sq m)

    Total 430 rooms, an overall increase of just 50

    My understanding is the first 3 categories of rooms are existing, and will be remodeled and refurnished (302 rooms = 67%). I am told prices will increase by maybe 10-15% for these. So even if it is 20% if you paid $250 this year they should still come in around $300.

    The new rooms will be priced higher, they aren't going to be giving away suites and 200 sq m penthouses for $300 you can be sure of that. But they represent just a third of all rooms.

    Annual household income of existing clients ranges from $117K to $140K pa on average. Their target age group is 30-45 yrs. It seems they are trying to move away from the under thirties, which many here would support.

    That is quite a healthy income by most people's standards, it's not huge but healthy. The kind of people who earn that are not going to worry if their trip costs them an extra $350 over the week compared to this year. Those that can afford higher prices (and there are plenty of them) will look forward to the new rooms, those that can't will use the existing rooms. The majority of existing clientele will not be driven away by higher pricing.

    Forget about comparing with the luxury 5 star high end places they are not TTR's competition. There is no competition.

    Personally I think they have got the balance just right, I predict the place will sell out more often than it does already and become somewhat of an icon.

    I will also go out on a limb and predict that the construction comes in early, maybe 7 or 8 months instead of the 10 months proposed. At least for a partial re-opening.
  2. Chris and April

    Chris and April Guru Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Nice.. 2 times a year is on again
  3. $parkie7

    $parkie7 June Junkie Sponsor Registered Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    I think it is beautiful and sexy. All of us CancunCare people will look even sexier at that beautiful place that many of us call home!! I am anxious and can't wait. It really feels like a gift!!!!

  4. IDareU

    IDareU Addict Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Bay Area, California
    +12 / 1
    We assume these categories are also existing?

    12 Seduction Beachfront Suites (44 sq m) 5000 block facing the volleyball courts?
    8 Temptation Oceanfront Suites (128.5 sq m) Old Passion Suites?
    2 Temptation Oceanfront Penthouses (192.7 sq m) Old Passion suite + 1 existing room combined?

    Will gladly accept a 15% price increase for better food, nicer pools, better drinks, more bars, and remodeled rooms plus an all new larger/better PatyO's.

    Thanks Steve for staying on top of this!

    Not sure we would sign up to be part of the construction zone as they could definitely reopen without the tower finished so long as the pool is finished.
  5. britsrhot2

    britsrhot2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    ontario, canada
    +749 / 10
    As the saying goes in the UK Steve " the proof is in the pudding" let's wait n see
    I bet they overrun on the construction time to about a year or maybe 14months and all the regulars will eventually bite the bullet and pay the price increase "because it's TTR"
    Also everyone bitches about the beach ....yes it's not that good but have you ever seen what they did at the Palm sands resort in the UAE that was all pumped out of the ocean . Now obviously that won't happen in Mexico as the $$$$ simply are not there but they could easily truck in some sand and palm trees as long as there's no objection from the environmental tree hugger types then bingo there your white sand beach in an afternoon of trucks .
  6. DFW fun

    DFW fun Addict Registered Member

    May 7, 2015
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    Dallas Texas
    +619 / 0
    Don't go bringing logic and facts into this discussion Steve! Let the rumors and vocal minority run this circus. :icon_razz:

    See you in September! If you could have a Boobs Cruise on Wednesday the 7th it would be much appreciated by the silent majority. lol
  7. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Possibly/probably, I thought may be the same I just couldn't pin them down exactly.
  8. Cokewithlime

    Cokewithlime Guru Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Toronto, Canada
    +248 / 3
    Just to tag onto what Steve mentioned about the rate of construction - Diego de la Peña, the founder of what is now Original Resorts, started in Cancun as a construction contractor - so he and his family do know a thing about construction and how to get it done and done on time - lol

    I'll give you an example that occurred two years ago at Desire RM - they announced that they where going to close the pool and pool area restaurant for re construction and that area would be closed to guests for the month of September.

    Personally, having seen the plans of what they where going to do, I immediately thought - one month - NO WAY !

    Bottom line - the old pool was completely dug out, old restaurant demolished then the new pool built with all new plumbing installed + the addition of a new in pool bar and a brand new state of the art open air pool restaurant built - all done and reopened in two days less than they initially announced !!

    Finished Pool / Restaurant after 28 days of renovation

    So I would tend to trust Steve's intel on the length of time for the TTR reno ;)
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think it's going to be great! If the prices stay around what you predict - even better!!

    Thanks for all your insight Steve!!
  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I dont think they will. Forget everything you know about construction in the UK, USA or Canada. I wouldn't be surprised if they work 3*8 hr shifts 7 days a week with 300 workers wielding sledgehammers under floodlights. Think of an ant colony.

    Add to that the owner made his initial money from construction - all his contacts and experience, and remember that Hurricane Wilma pretty much destroyed 50% of the resort on October 21 2005 yet they were back up running again before Christmas.
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