White night, lingerie and fetish always stay. Which theme did I happen to leave the explanation out? And every other night is different except white night, lingerie and fetish. Those are high participation nights in general. Seriously if he wants to wear jungle stuff wear jungle stuff. No one gives a fuck. Seriously we are too busy living everyone's sexy strut to notice anything but awesomeness.
Updated to add description of sinners and Saints and glitter glam. My bad I see the person asking is going the 17th-28th So your themes that are different from the resorts are sinners Saints, glitter glam, men's dress shirt. Rock star we added porn star. The themes changed during the votes. Also ABC is no longer a part of their themes, again, so that's ours, again. Hope you have fun!
Thank you, i've been going for a few years now but the dressing up I only started... Better late than never. Lol
Way to narrow the dates down. Obviously in May, it was the dates he was looking for. They are going May 17-28th. You're welcome Glad you are finally getting in the spirit of dressing up. Always makes the nights fun. Just some sexy dress time that people typically don't get at home.