Single digits! We've been so busy lately this has almost snuck up on us, can't wait to see all you lovely people
I use to like reading all these threads, but now that some of you are down there and others only have a few days, I am jealous. We still have 3 weeks (we arrive on the 26th) So everyone, post pics keep the stories up and by all means save us some Tequila!
I agree completely! We arrive on the 22nd. Topless, Tequila and sunshine are calling our names loudly artytime:
4 days from right now we should be at the airport, hoping for the green light, so we don't lose anytime catching our transfer and getting the party started!
16 days and 18 hours till i arrive im cancun, tequilla not too keen on that, but topless, sunshine, neverending sexy games, good peeps, booze, boobs cruises, hell ya! im freakin pumped, dave&jenn, paulnpam, hope you guys are ready for some partying, youngblood style haha!
Come on now....Tequila shots on the Boobs Cruise is a must!! And partying "youngblood" style is the only way to do it :lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs: