So.... TTR and the sexy pool offer a great environment to step outside your comfort zone and experience things you may not have experienced otherwise. Doing body shots off one another and others may be one of those things. We love that kind of fun and the sexual energy it creates. With that said, do you have a favorite body shot drink or position. This could be something you have tried and loved or something you want to try with a willing participant. And yes we will be using this for new body shot ideas for our trip in April! LOL Here's one idea....
If the body shot is being done off my body - I like a tequila shot; salt on the neck, shot from drinkers choice, and lime taken from my lips with a kiss... Patty
When I was last there a few years ago, Jose at the Sexy Pool would mix a few ingredients together to create a think creamy white liquid that was thick enough that it could be poured on women's breasts and licked off without requiring the woman to lay on the bar. Not surprising, it was very popular with the men and the women. I never did ask what was in it. Will be sure to do so in a couple of weeks.
I have only ever experienced the normal tequila body shot curious about all the other varieties to be tried Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
You can also put two asses together and pour Fireball in between. Wear sunglasses though so you don't get it in your eyes. My poor husband didn't do this and his eyes burned!
Sad to say, Blondie has never had a body shot done off of her before either. May will be our 5th trip and she intends to rectify this situation. Volunteers now being accepted.