Most of us 40 somethings go to TTR so we can act like 20 somethings. I do things at TTR that I would never do at home. Remember "no one knows you and know one gives a shit". There are always people who go to TTR to relax and enjoy the "view", some go to participate and have fun. We all find what we're looking for, you just need to know how to ask. Younger Single guys add a vitality to the older crowd. Add a little alcohol to the mix and we're all friends for life. TTR has a way of growing on you.
Very well put Steph! Geoff and I are extremely excited about going in September with you and Kent. We love to let loose and have fun, as you already know (because we are soul sisters), but we definitely don't want to feel uncomfortable with people being pushy. From what you've told us about it we are looking forward to a great time! Love you sugar! ��
GeoffnKim, the only pushy one might just be me with my titties flapping & making waves in the sexy pool :flash:
KentNSteph-Lmao! In that case pushy is welcome! I think I'll let my titties out and make waves with you. Geoff and Kent will be in splash heaven!!!
A great group of single guys came last year and looked like they had a great time. Respectful and just hung out amongst themselves for the most part. A big interest and age gap probably doesn't help but that didn't stop the partying. Alcohol has a way of making age gaps narrow a lot!