Okay as virgins what is an average day is like? what time does everyone start appearing after the night partying, afternoon activities, and night party happen. Please be give us a great rundown. CP
From sunrise till afternoon. Some wake after only a couple hours sleep and start all over again. We average 4 hours after Paty'Os and take a sexy nap around 4 to recharge for the evening.
Everyone has their own way of doing things. I prefer to sleep until 10ish. Take my time with getting ready for the sexy pool and breakfast. I am usually out by the pool by 11-12. The sexy pool party is really active by 4pm. Curtis and I retreat to the room at 6 to get ready for dinner. I don't nap (afraid I would not wake up for the night party). We shoot for dinner around 8pm, then back to the room to dress for Paty-Os. Then we party until 3-4am on average (we watch the sun rise on occasion). THEN IT ALL REPEATS!!!! XOXOXOX Dawn
I feel like a old fogey now, those hours is what my two sons in college do. I guess we will need to practice staying up after 11pm and functioning with no sleep. no wonder the new ladies lose their tops after the second day, they are mentally wiped from lack of sleep and too much booze on board! CP
Day starts around 9 / 9:30 and usual ends around 2am depending on what activities are going on!! :daveandmo::daveandmo:
We are usually up and at the pool By 730. Then breakfast. The rest of the day is a haze for me..... Eventually we end up back at room and shower and dress for dinner. Then usually back to film for a bit then patyo's. This year we are going to try to leave sexy pool earlier so we can nap so we can party longer into the night. We'll see how it goes! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At home we're usually in bed by 11 at the latest and back up again by 7 but for some reason must be the air we'll be up past our bedtime and head in around 2 but we'll be back up again by 7:30 or so get into our suits head down grab a couple of chairs and head in for breakfast and then after breakfast we'll head back to the chairs and get ready to start the day all over again, about 1 we may head for some lunch at Margherita's then back to the sexy pool float around for a bit I may get volunteered for a game or two as she likes to get free stuff and I'm the sacrificial lamb for the games. We head up to the room around say about 5 for a shower together a little sexy time and get ready for dinner at about 7 and then if there's a show that night maybe check it out, then head to Paty O's have a few drinks, dance, talk to people we've met while down there, share a few laughs, grab a burger from the grill and head up for some more sexy time together and finally to bed go to sleep and the cycle starts all over again.
Our typical day begins at around 9 am. My husband heads over to the buffet and brings us coffee. After getting ready we head to breakfast. Spend the day on the beach and in the sexy pool with friends we meet. Back to the RO for a quick nap around 5. Dinner at the Italian restaurant. Back to the room to change and head out for the night. Invite people back to our Jacuzzi...to sleep by 5 ish. Then begin again around 9 lol! Last trip we skipped the sleeping part all together a few nights. We made some crazy fun friends!!! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
We wake by 6:30 7 get a bed by the sports pool, Get a 2 hour full body massage. Eat breakfast at 830 9 then off to sexy pool for the day. We head back to the room around 6 then dress dinner at 730 , then head to room change again for paty Os until 3 get fry s to take to room and start all over. YES Full body massage hell were June Junkies And the wife's worth it.
Who gives the massages? We usually get a couple other couples together and exchange massages for the week! Some have been amazing......mind blowing even. Others have been just "ok"...... but they all have been fairly relaxing. You might have to set limits with some folks but all but once those providing the massages followed our "leads".