Great ideas guys!! one of our tips is that we bring some cards with our names on them... (business card size) and since we don't know our room number till we get there....when we find out, we add our room number on the back..... then were ready to give them to any friends that want to come back and.....have a drink with!!! :69:...oh wait...this one:daveandmo:
reminds me of years ago, sitting on the beach in Florida with some friends. Some dude walks by wearing 1 of those and my friend Larry, in his native Floridian drawl says "bun huggers, he's walkin like he's got a cheeseburger up his ass and doesn't want the onions to fall out":daveandmo:
This post may be over 2 yrs old, but it is worth bringing up. Nothing worse than having your wife's one of a kind 10k ring lost/stolen/misplaced ect. and completely ruin a trip. we found a pretty close knock off set for $40 online and left the real one at home... absolutely no worries, means a relaxing trip.