Security I also want to say something about security from middle of November visit. Earlier in the year there were a lot of negatives on the forum about security, many may have been very valid. As to security during our stay a few weeks ago, I thought they did an excellent job. I saw security "escort" a number of guys from PatyO's who had imbibed too much or gotten too frisky or had a combination problem. In each instance they did so, calmly, politely and without ANY problems. Passed two security guys in hallway as they were almost carrying one guy back to his room. Both guards were smiling. The night the ladies were dancing on the elevated stage and exhibiting their "wares", the guard went twice to get them down. Once he did so because there were 4-5 ladies there, not sure what the capacity is, the second time it was because the two ladies up there had been there a while and were dancing more wildly as time went on, potential for them to fall. It was a safety issue, not an attempt to be a buzzkilll. Each time, the guard was nice and smiling. Think about any time you have been the only sober one at the party. That is every night for them. If they would just not patrol the sports pool so hard at night......
Have to agree with you completely. We were there the night the girls were up top, and they just asked them to come down politely. They never made any noise about them having to leave. Must say we were very impressed with the approach by security.
Oops - my wife had her tits out more than in at Paty'0s. We must of been lucky and security was more interested in the two girls making out on the dance floor! :69:
Apparently the open minded nature of TTR and the Nobody Knows you and nobody gives a shit dosn't apply to Signs??? I mean seriously is it not like they forced you to look at the website or join it I am sure it was a sponsorship thing! be open minded enough to look the other way or just ignore it! I mean your at TTR where everyone is supposed to be soo excepting right?
It is defiantly opened minded, maybe the complaint isn't the signs themselves, but i think closely associating with something like that might frighten people away that were on the fence about going in the first place. We all know it isn't a "swinger resort", and the moment that statement gets more legs, then it already does on trip advisor, then I think there is a problem.