I haven't been yet, but from what I've read, the White DS night is something to look forward to. Personally I can't wait. I hope you and Stacia will be there in July so we can meet you both. f
I (John) have gotten that look before when somebody is trying to get a little extra friendly with Stephie and she isn't having it. I usually just tell them "I've got a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE... boat." That usually gets a few laughs and ends the pursuit. Then they go someplace else to presumably try again. Stephie thinks its funny!
White Dress Shirt Night Thanks John for your invention of WDSN, and for inviting us to join you at TTR! We had a great time and hope to go again soon! No haters here! S & I
We were surprised on our first visit last July with about 5 % of the people. It was like why did they come to a Temptation style resort? This is a place to get away let your hair down and party.
We feel blessed and lucky , started years ago in June with the large June junkie group. This group is really great they look out for each other. If I leave my wife one it's funny to watch but two this group the guys step in if someone gets out of hand. We have a few single guy like Alan that we adore so, please do think all single are bad or you can't trust the people around you. This forum if you use it right post your dates and talk or text the group your going to be in then meet up with them it take the TTR trip to a bucket list yearly . We changed are flying just to meet friend s and fly down with them . Boy not sure how some that that last statement " you may find one or two but we haven't had that in June or if it does this group does better than any police department protecting the group.
Isn't the whole point of this place to have fun without being judged? If somebody can't handle it then they're in the wrong place, not you!
Okay, I've never been, Yet, but here's my take. If you want to go to the nicer restaurant with a few in you that's fine, if you want to have a romantic dinner that's fine also. What someone does at another table no matter how close never bothers me, unless they are disrespecting my wife in some way (not implying you did that). Everyone is different, and that is determined by the point in time that we are in. Sometimes quiet dinner is good, sometimes having fun and being boisterous is good. My point is, do what you want, have fun and don't let others actions bother you. And I've knocked a glass off the table completely sober. One more thing, when my wife and I are having a romantic dinner, she is usually all I see or hear, same when we slow dance. We usually end up dancing long after the music has stopped or changed to another song.